Events and Gatherings
We gather physically twice a year in destinations of relevance to our teaching. We also host online gatherings open to the public.
Gurdjieff’s Enneagram
Join us to explore the connection between celestial bodies and human temperament. This cosmic knowledge originated with ancient Mesopotamian priest-astronomers who first observed planetary movements as divine patterns influencing human affairs. The seven celestial bodies—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—were each considered to govern distinct aspects of human character, creating recognizable psychological types. These types are still embedded in our language as “mercurial,” “jovial,” or “saturnine.”
India 2024
Karnataka is a treasure trove of architectural marvels spanning centuries of history. The temples of this southern Indian state stand as silent witnesses to the development of religious streams in this region. From the intricate carvings of Hoysala temples to the grand Vijayanagara complexes, these structures showcase the diverse artistic styles that flourished over the ages.
Real Change
Join us for a three-day online workshop on the “Real Change.” We will meet for three consecutive days to explore the different parts that make up the human machine, understand the tool of self observation, and how it can be used to transform ourselves. Each session will last one hour and will conclude with practical exercises. We will have a channel to share observations and questions which will be discussed the next day in the workshop.
Join us in Amsterdam to study the roots of Esoteric Christianity, one of its early European expression in Flanders, and how this branch developed into the golden age of Dutch art. In the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden we will explore Egyptian artifacts that inspired Early Christian theology…
Rome 2025
Rome reveals itself in layers, like an archaeological excavation of time. The magnificent Baroque and Renaissance monuments that dominate the city’s skyline give way to earlier Christian churches below, which themselves were often built directly on top of Roman temples and civic structures.
Introducing our Teaching
Where do our methods come from? Where does the extensive theory that supports them find its origins? Join us for a journey to the ancient and diverse roots of The Old New Method…
Join us for a weekend in Campania, Italy, that will include a visit to the Greek Temples in Paestum and a live organ concert performed by Maria Mokhova. We will take advantage of our time together to accelerate our work and deepen our connections with each other.
Esoteric Christianity
Join us for a week-long online workshop on Esoteric Christianity. We will meet for six consecutive days to explore the inner meaning of the Christian teaching, how it was structured upon the Old Testament, how it was designed to complement and complete it, and how it highlight fundamental truths about human psychology.
During this three-day gathering, we will explore both the theoretical foundation and practical application of self-remembering, while examining the internal resistance that naturally arises when we attempt this work.
Esoteric Christianity II
Join us for another week-long online workshop on Esoteric Christianity. We will meet for six consecutive days to explore the inner meaning of the Christian teaching, how it was structured on the Old Testament, how it was designed to complement and complete it, and how it highlighted fundamental truths about human psychology. We will anchor our lessons in the mosaics of Rome, Ravenna, and Venice…
The Mesoamerican Ball Game
Join us for a week-long online exploration of the inner meaning of the Mesoamerican Ball Game. We will meet for six consecutive days to study the origins of this ritual, its appearance in the Mayan Book of Council The Popol Vuh, it’s astronomical significance, and how this spectacle represented the struggle between the opposing forces of day and night, good and evil, and life and death.
BePeriod invites its members to explore the ancient Khmer civilization. We will gather in Siem Reap for a week-long visit and take daily excursions to the art and architecture of the Angkor empire. We will conclude our visit by staging a play themed on one of Angkor’s favorite myths, The Churning of the Milky Ocean.
Esoteric Hinduism I
Towards the end of his life, Ouspensky came to realize that something was missing in the fourth way as he knew it. He felt he had stumbled across something significant in his travels through India before he met Gurdjieff. Following Ouspensky’s cue, we will delve into the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology and philosophy, seeking to discover how its cosmology and practices may be synthesized into a powerful tool for self-remembering.
Venice 2024
Join us to explore the Esoteric Christian heritage of Ravenna, Padua, and Venice… We will begin by studying the ancient mosaics of Ravenna, head northward to visit Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, and end in the picturesque canal-city of Venice.
Join us for a week-long exploration of Pre-Columbian Mexico. We will delve into a culture that developed in isolation from Africa, Europe, and Asia. As such, its cosmology and mythology display a unique expression of truth, detached from the civilizations with which we are more familiar.
BePeriod invites you for a week-long online workshop on the Law of Three and Law of Seven. We will meet for six consecutive days to deepen our understanding of these laws, how they manifest during our daily activities, how they factor into our psychology, and how they were presented in ancient teachings.